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How can I help someone who is struggling with their mental health?

​When someone you know is having problems, it can be difficult to know what to do, and what would be most helpful. Here are some tips on things you can do to support a friend who is having difficulties.

  • Make yourself available - Whether in person or via technology. It may take some time for them to come to you, but the knowledge that someone is there for them when they need it can be a great comfort. 

  • Listen to them -  Somewhere in their words or actions is a sign of what's bothering them. By listening and not talking over them, it gives them the space to open up, rather than feeling like they have to go along with the conversation that you choose to have.

  • Don't be judgmental - Accept what they say, and try not to have a dramatic reaction, even if it's quite shocking to you. If they feel judged it can make them feel worse, and prevent them from opening up again.

  • Stay in touch - It's important to check in with them every now and then. Not so often that you become an annoyance, but taking some time to see how they're doing can make a big difference. It reminds them that you care, and can help prevent them from socially isolating themselves.

  • Gently offer some ideas - Once they are able to talk and you get a sense of what might be bothering them, try carefully giving them suggestions or ideas as to what they could do to help resolve their problems. In doing this, you are reassuring them that there are options and possibilities, and that they can be helped. However, don't be forceful with your suggestions as this may deter them from getting help. Let them make their own decision in their own time. Remember, a list of useful mental health contacts are listed here.

  • Be patient - The process of resolving problems can often take quite a long time. Having a friend who is consistently there throughout, is a tremendous help and comfort. At first it may take a while for them to accept that there is a problem before they even seek help, but having people stand by them can really make a positive difference.

If you are really concerned about your friend and you feel that you need to tell someone else about their situation, have a conversation with them about it first, except for when they are an immediate danger to themselves or others. They may initially dislike the fact you told someone else, but later they will appreciate that you did it because you care for them and wanted to get them the help they need. You can also encourage them to seek help, whether from their GP or a mental health organisation. A list of helpful organisations are listed here.

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